You don't identify you, the real you dissolve....Unrecognized

In case of measles virus attack, who was the ultimate winner. Human being being much large organism the probability of loosing battle is almost microscopic. Common sense free from prejudice would definitely go with the this comment. But our experience for centuries would never let us believe this. In the previous chapter I have mentioned that the whole disease measles as we all understand as a disease is in reality an act of resistance and demonstration of prefect immune response of a higher order species.

Let’s try to understand who was the Ultimate Warrior of this whole process.

  • First sign of this whole event is runny nose, rhinitis. Rhinitis is the term given to excessive production of mucous which contain active chemicals and cells which unleash cell mediated immunity protocol.
  • Second, lymphadenopathy, conjunctivitis, congestion of mucous membrane of throat and upper respiratory tract. Its the sign of heavy traffic of blood and lymph (contents required for cell mediated immunity), and the reactions which mark the on going process of resistance( Reddish congestive look of mouth, throat etc ).
  • Third is fever(the rise in temperature) which coincide the second stage may be a good indicator of depth and extend of the encounter.( Fever is the most common but the least understood and a thoroughly misunderstood phenomenon of nature- we shall discuss later).
  • Fourth is the rash that occur after fever. This certainly must be equivalent to a final step of every revolution, a mass cleaning, which may be witnessed in every civilized and advanced society ( Human body is not just an aggregate of cell mass but a well managed and maintained community or society) where not only the enemies but the whole remnants of infection the hazardous byproducts which may disturb the future functioning of the system.(May be discussed later)

All the above reactions in a sequence occur in a healthy body when it resist measles virus. Your whole body as a system has acted collectively like a nation in war with another. Like the security force in the border to the administrators in the center, the epithelial mucous membrane to the brain and the unified (unidentified) oneness, the whole of YOU involve. Not the ‘you’ you know, the ‘you’ inside you, the ‘you’ you do not KNOW. The ‘you’ who is not in your control and never ever would come under your control as it is the extension of universal equilibrium in to you which can not be demonstrated by any of todays gadgets or intuitions but shows its glimpses during fluctuations in health. And that YOU1 is the ultimate warrior. At least health enthusiasts should realize this fact2.

  1. a) A school is an institution to spread knowledge. It has building, staff, infrastructure, library, playground and syllabus. But the quality stuff that comes out of merger or collective response of all above entities is not something materialistic but a quality, it can not be measured .All the students imbibe this quality differently and present it differently.
    b) All organs of human body arranged together do not create life. Life cannot be segregated from a body for demonstration . Life disappears if all organs are dismantled. Hence life is a quality (No other synonym match the true essence of ‘life’) ↩︎
  2. Health enthusiasts should cultivate in them the wisdom to identify water inside ICE and health inside living. ↩︎

(Disease’s SIGN)