You are Nature

In the previous chapter we already saw that on an individual a physical or chemical damage caused by an external force would be evident and appreciable if the attack was heavy(signs of damage may be seen).Whole 7-14 day of initial days of infection in measles no such signs are noted. May be all these days the number of virus entering the body must be much lower so as to initiate any signs of infection (Physical or chemical signs of attack or initial counter reaction of body). When heavy entry occur and epithelial layer is infiltrated by large number of intruders ,the lymphocytes contain them and transport them to the lymph nodes.

(Again the thing we need to realize here is rather than seeing these developments from the point of view of a larger, stronger and a technically skilled and advanced organism on earth The Homo sapiens working its way out to resist the attack of a virus with its advanced skill of internal immune mechanism we are playing a victims role. We are believing that the virus is imposing on us all the symptoms from the day one of attack. We should understand that a closed system like body of a live living being to remain alive needs to keep running unbelievable number of coordinated chemical reactions and activities(both passive and active ones),and their interactions smoothly. All these reactions and activities(result of chain of reactions) are channeled by chemical switches. Switches are certain chemicals or stages of reaction in every chain reaction or activity which needs to reach or cross a threshold to initiate a receptor or another chemical to initiate next vital reaction or process. Thus one reaction or process follow the other. Hence the demonstration of a measles case in a normal person will show all these reactions in a perfect sequence and may be replicated in ‘n number’ of perfectly normal or healthy persons)

In the lymph nodes we should understand that our cells and antibodies must be having a hard time overpowering these living intruders which has its own life extending qualities, attacking qualities and life saving qualities(Cell mediated immune system be responding to different intruders differently as the chemical composition of intruder). The whole reaction (The foreign living bodies with the chemicals they contain physically along with all possible hazardous remnants of infection) and the energy produced to carryout the whole reaction (Fever) may not be tolerated by delicate internal vital organs of the body and mucous surfaces of lumens. Hence the whole site of reaction is shifted from blood vessels, various tissues internal lumen surfaces( Lung alveoli ,bronchioles, buccal cavity to anus, eyes, throat, urinary tract and so on) lymph vessels and lymph nodes to epithelial sells and skin which can take, infact is mend to take the responsibility to precipitate the reaction in the form of measles rash. A highly essential reaction that demand an inflammatory condition which include capturing of intruding foreigner virus, chemically deactivating it with all possible means, disposing the whole deadly chemicals and pushing them out of the system after the culmination of reaction in a safe spot , the skin. The skin sheds off and with in days the body is again fit as ever before , This time perhaps identifying the intruder at all levels, the epithelial cells on the nostril to the YOU with in you , the YOU whom you don’t know. Yet as the extension of the living nature it will act on its own without your permission and with ultimate perfection. You are not a stuffed unsolved nonliving puzzle. You are the nature. Just be a Health Enthusiast and you might learn to appreciate nature and its laws… FOH

Isn’t this incredible….