Sneeze is a healthy reflex. We already know this now. Pretty strong, pleasureful short to a few numbers of sneeze followed by a slight runny nose please take it from me is the tonic for a healthiest respiratory health. Realization of cough as reflex and following runny nose after as the reaction of nasal mucosa expelling dangerous stuff should be eliciting goose bumps in health enthusiasts for this very simple knowledge gives answer and is really an answer for several unsolved puzzles in living beings. (Learned fools might find this much like another foolishness but please bear us as there are now listeners to every school of thought).

  1. Small continuous to nonstop sneeze with or without itching eyes, nose, throat and ears to
  2.  Irritating to heavy cough.
  3.  wheezing of any type
  4.  All accompanied with fever several times which we all call respiratory allergy

is a condition due to long continued suppression of previous mild respiratory reflexes. We are not too late. Those beginners, ie parents with small children please don’t block these reflexes by any means. All the home remedies we have been using for centuries have of course given us mental satisfaction but we never knew if we were hindering our own body’s health strategies using those herbs (FOH is quite sure). All treatment plans are aimed towards stopping the sneeze, cough and inflammation. And we know that all three of them are our body’s reaction. Give some medicine which could run all through respiratory tract and pick and through the allergens away. Hmm severely Utopian. Our medicines arrest reactions and inhibit complete reactions. This would invite recurrent inflammatory reactions. Again, what else is autoimmune reaction? Please follow my instruction and sit back to see the magic.

Fever is our next foe. But fever is our next boon. We shall discuss this later.

FOH insist everybody to stick to these instructions because these are our body’s basic responses. If we don’t allow those to run its way and manipulate it our way with our ignorance (There is other stream of medicine and may be other streams too which has more convincing methods to cure allergic diseases) when would we find a protocol to tackle more intense diseases like cancer and AIDS (Hypo immunity disorders) and diabetes. If we are this much wrong about health over small facts imagine how wrong would we be about cancer and aids. The high death rates even after human brain indulgence is yelling this aloud and only a few hear and fewer realize this. Believe me.
