Any one could be annoyed in this modern era if he hear the word philosophy added to health related discussions. But this term along with the very literal word and idea has got something to do with treatment. A bit of explanation would be necessary. I already mentioned this in previous chapter wound healing.
History of Allopathic treatment of eczema. Please read the link below.
It highlights the history of advancement in treatment of eczema. May medicines tried since 1817
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They are still on research.
As they went through different protocols of treatment which in the submission was called developments sounded a little strange. We know that eczema is a real disease and it has a true existence . It should be having a single treatment protocol. Then what is called like trial and error method. A medical system still doing research on eczema . What about all the unsuccessful protocols which was effective in the initial trials but aborted due to failures and life taking side effects. No note of any sought of apology is seen in the history of medical history.
In all the protocols all through the history effective treatments existed for eczema. Effective in the sense that the eczema usually vanished while on medication but returned on stopping it. Almost all civilizations Greek, Indian and to modern could stop eczema from manifesting but not cure. All chemicals A for arsenic, L for led , m for mercury, S for Sulphur to Z for Zingiber was used externally with short lived success or with long term effect with dreadful side effects. No scientific explanation for why all the external applicants proved good to eczema exist.
How can it happen that all these chemicals from all these systems and civilization act on a single external disease and stop its external manifestation. Here we need to understand that eczema is a breach on the continuity of intact skin causing an increased permeability to skin making internal organs vulnerable to external chemical hazards. And all the chemicals mentioned as the medicines for eczema are hazardous chemicals which could kill small organisms to tissues of higher animals. So usage of these hazardous chemicals on the delicate skin complaint puts the body in trouble and this automated machine which knows to withstand mans ignorance on himself for over centuries covers the skin up to prevent the internal tissues. When man thinks that the medication is successful he stops ointments. After some while the eczema opens again.
So what’s working here is our body and the philosophy of “external application or external suppression”
The philosophy of external application is a failure as it can not cure eczema but only postpone its external manifestation for too long, and if it does, wouldn’t be without side effects.
Hence for at the least in case of eczema the philosophy of external application is ineffective.
But there are alternative medicines which from the biggening puts idea of internal medicine warns humanity from external medicine forwards but is called Pseudo science. But do feel so proud of practicing a system which knows to manage eczema. Please keep external applicants away from your TREATMENT TABLE at-least while treating eczema.