What is diabetes

Diabetes 1, 2, 3 , is a condition when blood glucose level happens to keep above a preferable standard concentration.

Diabetes is a real disease but the whole concept laid down to portray increased blood Glucose as diabetes and blame the substance for all the complications and even so-called mechanisms behind the causes for development of disease diabetes is a dangerous MYTH…. FOH-2

A totally misinterpreted disease. Glucose which is a necessity of body is portrayed as enemy. Is it a conspiracy or total ignorance of scientific community?

Real, simple and true disease diabetes is that the glucose is literally stagnant in blood unable to be used and body dies of Starvation– FOH

Please read this series of five posts with patients to experience a new approach and solution for diabetes.


Diabetes and its course in human body

One morning, without any obvious reason, blood sugar level begin to rise. People who have been feeling hungrier than usual when get tested often find out themselves diabetic. Soon, they might start experiencing excessive thirst, frequent urination, and overall fatigue. It’s common for them to lose weight quickly.

As time goes on, they may face various diabetes-related health issues such as numbness of limbs, vision problems, skin issues, and kidney problems(later stages). In severe cases, these conditions worsen. Diabetes can also harm the arteries going to the muscles, heart, and brain. A serious complication known as diabetic ketoacidosis can occur, damaging vital organs.

Additionally, infections become more frequent in various parts of the body. Some may suffer from hard-to-heal ulcers on their limbs and some might experience sexual dysfunction. Over time, heart problems like heart attacks and strokes can lead to loss of life. Kidney failure is also a common cause of death in these patients.

This was a short description of diabetes and its fate in human being.

There are a lot of books and sites and videos available in internet describing A-Z about diabetes hence all of you know about Diabetes.

Please make sure that all of you gather all fine details of diabetes as much as possible

  • What is diabetes.
  • Causes of diabetes
  • Complications

  What do we know about glucose? Please refer various sites and books.

  • Source of glucose in human body.
  • Qualities, uses, needs and importance in living organism.
  • Organs which need major portion of glucose in human body.
  • Chemical formula and molecule
  • Check its chemical reactivity qualities

a} Find/show any chemical reaction, say any chemical reaction proving that the presence or accumulation of this substance is harmful to human body (Not just a vague statement as in many sites, no percentage or probability stories but specific chemical reaction)- you can’t find it.

b)Definitely the increased blood glucose concentration in blood cause symptoms like increased thirst and increased urine frequency. Human body has got its own mechanism to deal with increased blood glucose level by execrating the excess glucose through kidneys without reabsorbing it so there is no grounds for arguments that emphasize on complications due to glucose stagnation. There is no evidence for the belief that glucose has any unique chemical quality to cause any of the complications mentioned in our literatures. ( No one had ever tried to suicide drinking ounces of glucose but hypoglycemia had killed many)                                                                                     

Causes of diabetes (Please corelate with your sources}

  • Insulin resistance
  • Decreased insulin production
  • Familial or Hereditary
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Unknown causes                                                                                                                     

c) In observation for centuries medical field has found in diabetic cases a decreased insulin production than in normal humans and they relate it to increased glucose in blood. (Observation 1)

d) At the same time they say that body of diabetic individuals develop in them an insulin resistance which creates a situation where the blood glucose cannot enter skeletal muscle fibers and hence glucose remains unused in blood stream resulting in diabetes. This inference was derived when it was found that even an ample amount of insulin could not keep the blood glucose level to normal range.(observation 2)

e) In observations it was found that a good percentage of recruits to diabetic group had a familial background a genetic background which again is an observation but no gene related to diabetes is yet found.( No genes can be demonstrated a increased glucose in blood is not a disease at all)

f) Unknown cause is the last but not the least or may be the only reasonable cause to this disease as after two centuries the puzzle stays unsolved.( quiet obvious)

g) Gestational diabetes. Increased blood sugar during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Causes like insulin deficiency, familial tendency, over eating, insulin resistance has no role in this diabetes.

h) Over eaters are said tom show more tendency to getting diabetes.

i) Conditions like infection, injury, inflammation show increased glucose surge.

  • Presence of reduced insulin production in observation 1 and adequate insulin in observation 2 both contradictory conditions give the same result ” increased blood sugar”
  • No specific genes related to diabetes found.
  • All over eaters are not diabetic.
  • Glucose surge in many other conditions as in i) above has no clarifications.
  • None of these reasons seems to cause gestational diabetes.

These observations shows that increased blood glucose in blood is a condition and not disease. Many causes for a single disease and complete knowledge about all these causes are not giving result in treating diabetes. Lets find the reason for this condition.

Man has not succeeded in finding a single or specific reason for diabetes. In fact we are beating around a bush for over two centuries, that too a wrong bush. The confidence to announce about an unknown disease and set a treatment protocol for the same needs a lot of hypocrisy.

Health enthusiasts please note all the contradictory elements.


Everything about glucose is available at your finger tips, yet

1. Uses of glucose in human body in wider sense (Please do search through other sources as I am   concentrating on putting my point rather than copy pasting the known things)

  • Glucose is the primary energy resource of human body.
  • It is essential for repair and growth of our body.
  • You get many other uses, both the above being the summary I am moving on.

2. Highest demand of glucose in human body

  • Physical exertion like sports and exercise
  • Situations where repair is needed – injuries, burns, surgeries, fractures, stroke, Myocardial infarction, muscle wasting in injuries.
  • Blood loss -Various bleeding conditions
  • Where body is in need of extra energy – infections, inflammations, recovery from a  disease.
  • Pregnancy

3.  Demand for glucose varies among organs. The demand varies drastically depending on the workload and storage capacity of each organ. The brain is the largest consumer, requiring a major portion of blood glucose and needing the highest and uninterrupted supply throughout the day. Therefore, it must be maintained at any cost and reason for the cost is not unknown.

4. Next interesting thing we need to note is that all human organs and tissues are not insulin dependent. This implies that concentration of insulin is not the only factor controlling blood glucose.

Skeletal Muscular tissues, vascular endothelium, liver, adipose tissues and kidneys are insulin dependent organs, These organs need insulin to receive glucose.

Brain does not need insulin for consuming glucose.

Demand for Glucose

  • There is a major demand for glucose during inflammation and infections in the body. This is quite natural, as the body is in immediate need of energy to face the situation and recovery along with repair and replacement the lost cells during the crisis.
  • Thus in similar situations short term need of supply of large quantity of glucose is needed during pregnancy periods in some ladies.- Gestational diabetes.(Here all the reasons laid down to justify the occurrence of type 2 diabetes such as short of insulin, increased intake of sugar and carbs, heredity etc. doesn’t exist ) Yet this temporary condition is classified under diabetes.( especially HbA1C)
  • Sports persons who put lot of physical strain are seen to have increased blood sugar.
  • Hunger generally is an expression of the body showing the demand for energy and this outcry in diabetic people is mummed by modern health concepts of diabetes.

Like we can see on this page till now that there is no reason for a thinking person to believe that glucose is an unwanted substance for human body nor anyone can prove that it is hazardous to human body ether. Yes, Disease diabetes exist. Increased blood sugar, hunger, thirst, frequent urination, arterial infection, retinal disease, neurological symptoms….and all other symptoms and complications exist. In the cross section of a diabetic person’s body all these symptoms co-exist. By using the word co-exist FOH means that not all these are symptoms of the disease diabetes. Some are causes, some are disease symptoms, some are health maintaining body mechanisms, some are complications and some are much essential to sustain life.

But FOH-2 wants to make it clear that increased blood glucose concentration has nothing to do with any of the diabetic complications but is much essential to sustain life at that specific time of observation.

Today’s ‘diabetes’ is a product of human scientific temper and the tool used to portray it was ‘ yesterday’s scientific methodology’. But this tool should be given to those skilled assessors, critics and out of box thinkers who would guide us to tomorrow’s diabetes– a real baby of science and not to those frog testers .


All allegations on high glucose level in blood for causing disease and complications of disease diabetes is a myth and this concept deserves to be entitled “MYTH OF NOVEMBER” 14 th.

