Our respiratory tract starting from nostril to lung cannot withstand any external irritant. Solod, liquid or irritating gas. Swimmers know well that water around them while swimming looks and feels good all around but not a drop can go into the nose pr lungs. It would be expelled with a forceful cough.

Gas and aerosols can enter lungs if not much irritating. Fumes of chilly and coriander in our kitchen are breathtaking.

Water vapor obviously is a gas and does no harm while inhaled. If large quantity is inhaled the water after condensation runs out of our nose.

In people with rhinitis, cough, sinusitis and infected lung if inhale water vapor anybody could say that it is going to do them harm. Rhinitis worsens, cough aggravate, sinusitis where infection is already set would rise in intensity in the presence of warm water vapor and humidity.

Internal surface of respiratory system is covered by mucus glands which secretes mucus and necessary immunity related chemicals. And also the chemical composition of the internal surface is in fixed in such a way that no barrier on the surface which would cause hindrance to gaseous exchange is harmful.

Hence in any emergency water vapor along with any substance is harmful to nose and lungs especially in children.

In this new era of MARKETING please show your intelligence at a level of manifestation at least in case of health. Say NO to water vapor inhalation. This step shall help all respiratory infections subside pretty soon…

