Every cell (type)of each organism remains alert all through its life, always keep transforming and updating its functions and character to keep themselves alive. These changes and information may( probably) be passed across generations. All the individuals or species who failed to adapt to changing situations are not there on the surface of earth right now. Homo sapiens who were not an ultimate predator surly had to strive hard or the struggle to be alive with out virtues made him mentally strong and sound enough to keep out from dangers which he could sense. But all those micro organisms which out number visible living beings on earth could any time impose on the later a threat to life which in present scenario seems impossible as we know them being coexisting for quit a long time. And if this was possible there were more chances of extinction of human species and various other species long ago.

Each cell is a basic unit of life in a living being(Cell). It has many type of responses. Many responses that we know are indicators of a healthy cell. These responses are in another way necessary for a cells life and functioning both for itself and in turn for the system it belongs to and hence for the whole organism. Basic functions are some responses we know and appreciate but those responses which rarely occur and about which human intellect is still unaware and there may be many which we think is a inappropriate may be an ultimate necessity. This is the area we health enthusiasts need to work on.

In nature higher animals are equipped to withstand many immediate and common challenges. Many animals are blessed with such wonderful adaptations which would challenge principles of evolution and very simply convince our senses without justifications about there moto of existence(1,2,3,4,5).

Above mentioned are certain features appreciated as physical qualities, those that can be seen by others. There are others that occur inside our body, inside our system, embedded deeply which present themselves as certain signs which occur as a consequence of a long or short or a series of long or short chemical reactions( fever ,pain, giddiness, fatigue, mania ,vomiting diarrhea and so many)

  • In case of measles, on the seventh or fourteenth day slight runny nose begins. This is an indication that our body has started to respond to the pathogens who had just crossed the epithelial cell barrier of upper respiratory tract.
  • Tonsillitis ,conjunctivitis and numerous lymph nodes indicates that our body is responding to pathogens deep inside our throat, eyes cervical area and chest.
  • Fever indicates that the resistance is now initiated by the whole body in a combined unified and coordinated manner.(Advantages of fever are not fully decoded)
  • Koplik’s spot, diarrhea and cough indicates that the infection has reached the inner surface of body(As skin and scalp is our outer surface of body, mucous lining of gastro intestinal tract(mouth to anus}, respiratory tract ( nose to lungs), urinary tract, ear, genital track, sinuses etc are inner surfaces of our body).
  • Rashes of measles marks the last stage of measles after a high fever, a marker of end of infection and the representation of successful culmination of natural1 resistance which in todays medical dictionary a DISEASE. This is a simple demonstration of our Misperceptions on CONCEPT health.
  1. Art of submission to nature in various disease conditions make health management easier and error free ↩︎