Lets help our body fight MEASLES. Usually infections may be arrested by a) directly giving medicines to kill virus b) interventions in to various levels of infestations. Due to lack of specific medicine the former intervention may not be possible. What is the scope for second method.

  • As virus settles on respiratory tract mucosa
  • As they multiply and spread all along the URT.
  • As they fight mucous layer and surpass URT surface.
  • As they are handled through lymphoid tissues, by phagocytes 1.
  • Before fever sets in and appearance of rash on the skin.

In the whole process above as I have mentioned earlier no sign or hint of measles virus attack can be traced. No visible or subjective evidence in the whole process demonstrates signs of overpowering nature of intruder but interaction of both the species, intruders and immune system of human body is evident and is called measles. Hence sort of medical interferences of any kind is not going to help Human being. Any untimely medical aid in the form of emotional or ethical indulgence may cause multiple complications which otherwise would simply be handled by nature’s virtue which unfortunately is entitled ‘Disease’. Any interference would not help but Hinder the process and the consequences could be sudden or far. Usually far ones may not seem to have any root to this event but Health Enthusiasts must initiate in them the quest basically to understand my point of view.

Timed Switch

‘Timely’ or correct time is an important factor in nature. In measles as I have already mentioned certain switches must be initiated or “on” to channelize a reaction to next, It is just like Computer Flowchart.

  • Only a certain number of immigrants crossing the LOC of our immune system may be identified by our immune system due to presence of chemicals alien to our body or indicating cell damage or so.(Switch 1)
  • Cell mediated immune system gets initiates. Immigrants moved from blood to lymph nodes. The risk of keeping virus in lymphoid tissues (or may be a nature driven quality) the viruses are pushed to all sorts of epithelial surfaces. Here the Koplik’s spot appears (Switch 2)1.
  • Fever (Switch 3).Soon after Koplik’s spot is seen fever along with rash on skin appear.(1).

Many more switches may be identified. My intention is to clear my point.

  1. In a living creature as I have mentioned occurs unbelievable number of reactions and processes in a specific sequences uninterrupted from birth to death.
    (eg: If your body needs energy it creates the sensation ‘hunger’ in you. If the stomach does not get food in time now it reacts as if in crisis causing more signs of uneasiness . If no food is received for long you may notice that the sensation ‘hunger’ subside the uneasiness disappear and you feel as if not in much necessity for food right away. Here the hunger was a sign for demand for energy but the delay in supply had switched on another standby process of production of glucose from the storage, probably liver. Now you may note at this point of time, if you try taking food you can not eat much ,because the body is now tuned to another mode of glucose supply and it has no ‘Crisis’ now). ↩︎