120 to 250 nm diameter measles virus (MV) plenty in number settles on the nasal mucosa of a human child through droplets sprayed by an infected person’s sneeze. Measles virus with the only host available on earth(possibly) the humans perhaps has a good mechanism to thrive well on the upper respiratory tract(URT) mucosa. In a very good condition for the invaders perhaps in an already immunocompromised condition of URT measles virus must be multiplying in mighty rate. In the so called incubation period the spread over the whole URT must be almost complete and further infiltration into the deeper mucosal layer may me marked by 2–3 day prodrome of fever, runny nose, cough, and conjunctivitis on the 10th to 14th day of invasion followed by the characteristic maculopapular rash on skin. With in few days the rash subside marking the end of infection

In this raw nature, all living beings live together in an unnoticed but appreciable association which may or may not help them keep themselves alive depending on their species and positioning in the food chain. In this nature there is pray and predators. Each of them strive hard to keep themselves alive. The stronger and conditionally skilled ones always gets upper hand. In such circumstances Homo sapiens loosing to 120 to 250 nm diameter measles virus is rationally unacceptable.

Human being is like one side of Chess pieces. Pawns the epithelium and skin, bishop enzymes, horse WBC, rook antibody, queen the lymph glands and nodes and King, the Life. Player can sacrifice pawns bishop and horse to save the king. Likewise in the whole system of human being each set of cells are entrusted and specialized for a specific duty for centuries and across generations. Unlike chess in humans all cells are not specialized to engage in combat with invaders. On other side the Measles virus is an individual, and like a whole human being probably has their own updated versions of life skills. It has quality of 16 chess pieces in one cell (virus can’t be called a cell). Hence it may be fatal to all type of cells in human body individually (Each cell of a human being has their own specific duty and for generations together they have modified themselves according to new situations but the body can sacrifice these cells or can loos so many { different kinds of} cells as they know nothing other than their entrusted duties)

Probably due to above reasons measles virus manage to multiply and spread across the URT mucosa. These MVs surpass the URT epithelium to enter deeper cells probably the lung tissue. You may go through various sites to understand further development : 1 , 2 ,

Hear, one thing we need to understand is that in nature if two species, say a snake and a frog meet the snake swallows the frog. The frog has nothing much to do than to surrender. And if snake attacks a group of ants ( just an example) the ants will resist the attack. Like wise in humans, when attacked by measles virus , the human body if not on a physical level ( visible to eyes) it has got its own mechanisms in cellular, microcellular and biochemical level. When the nasal mucosa identify the intruder, it reacts. Perhaps just literally as a physical barrier in the initial stage , as informer at the next and probably as a fighter at the final stage when it produce thin mucous basically filled with macrophages and other chemicals at molecular level. Now we do realize that this mucous production called as rhinorrhea or just runny nose is not a direct effect of viral attack but it is the sign or symbol or physical demonstration of culmination of a chain of reaction which was initiated by i) appreciation of presence of foreigner ii) passing information of danger to primary immunity management section( chemical or molecular level) iii) production mucous in response; both chemical and cellular level.

From the initial sign that marks the commencement of counter reaction of our body towards the invaders the ‘runny nose’, there occur a chain reaction in a sequence which we call the symptoms of measles, and this remains the same across centuries. Infact the whole saga, the disease measles, which we identify with the above mentioned symptoms, appearing one after another are one or the other signs of counter reaction of our body against the virus at various levels and please may not be called a disease. YES… I admit that all these symptoms of diseases(word means that the body is in a state of dis-ease that means , body is not at ease) is excruciating and also admit that these symptoms look fatal but ultimately is an expression of the status of our immunity. The immature and misguided intellect of human perceptions has made a great mistake in differentiating virtues and foes. At this point, if you have reached in pace with my realization( and those who already know this fact undisputedly ) what do you think we need to be doing as a patient, bystander or a health worker. Well I would suggest to be with the patient’s immune system as its been in this business over centuries, at the least, before human intellect started addressing these mishaps( that too far away from the possible reality )to help him push his life through in most effective way.

Here each symptom marks the latest status of the fight against measles virus and thus mastering this knowledge of blue print of nature must give us the idea that would empower us to evaluate and forecast the course and fate of the encounter.(deliberately avoiding the term “disease” so as to keep you in pace with my realization of this virtue ).

Conclusion: As I have mentioned, the symptoms of measles , each and single one is our body’s immune response towards measles virus( You may browse to make it clearer) and hence it is very much necessary for us that this reaction proceeds through and run a natural course. Any interruption or interference in its natural course may be devastating.