Fever is the ‘rise in normal body temperature’. The rise in temperature “alone” is called fever. Diseases along with a symptom “Increased Body Temperature” may be called an X or Y fever. Infection and inflammation both has temperature rise and both are called fever. Parasite, protozoa, worm infestation, abdomen food poisoning also may present temperature rise and hence is called fever. Who can all these be fevers. And if all these are fevers what are all the infections called- Typhoid fever, septic fever, allergic, rheumatic fever? Something is misinterpreted here. If no temperature rise happens then are these diseases not diseases? If rise in temperature is absent, would they be called Typhoid without fever or tonsillitis without fever or malaria without fever. Do all these diseases cause rise in temperature. I have many friends who have argued that in these diseases the microbes cause the rise in temperatures. If yes then what about inflammatory diseases like allergic rhinitis, osteo arthritis and appendicitis where no microbes are detected. And if the microbes cause fever why are we along with microbe attacking drugs administrating ANTIPYRETICS( fever reducing drugs). And if fever is addressed only by antipyretics, why is disease taking long to subside.

This way of thought might put you in dilemma about rise of temperature. And FOH’s intentions are the same.

Is fever = infection or inflammation + rise in temperature

I understand all are confused so please as a home work browse to understand what really is the Mechanism of fever. We always need to research and it would help mankind’

One, two ,three and four

Now you might have understood that fever is good in many ways to health. Moreover you should have read that microbes can elicit chemicals which can trigger human brain cells in hypothalamus to initiate temperature rise in our body. Ie, the microbes does not cause fever. Antipyretic drugs act hypothalamus and not on microbes to bring down the temperature which the body has generated to kill microbes. This temperature rise is one of the methods to kill microbes and also to bring about many physical and chemical changes in our body.

My words might not convince you people my points but I thank and congratulate all those scientists who have done immense studies related to fever but FOH is sure they are not yet been able to understand all the goods of fever. General public and the high class intellectual illiterates don’t have a clue of these facts.

Along with this I would like to add my experience too regarding advantage of rise in body temperature for treatment of certain BONE AND JOINT disease cases. Here the knowledge of Physics is been used convincingly.

A boy of around 4 years was brought to me in the year 2019. His mother complained that he had meningitis and his backbone was bent after a heavy fever. She approached me with a request to set her son’s backbone right.

She say that the doctors had made two comments.

a) The complaint was congenital

b) The recurrent fever was making the deformity worse each time.

What ever be it I said his mom that her child was about get episodes of furious fever with febrile fits and in few months would be fine. She had no choice.

With in two weeks of commencement of medicine fever broke. She came with her child. I had insisted her not to arrest fever and she did listen to me too. As she was waiting for the medicine the child got febrile fits. She came running to me with him on her lap. We laid him on the examination table and waited. This episode was over. But she the mother got afraid as the fever kept continuously high and the child had headache and was bed ridden( just tired). They chose to arrest fever next day consulting another doctor. They kept coming to me. I treated him on her word that she wont arrest fever any more. Three months consecutively the child got fever and febrile fits and they kept checking it disobeying me. And no offences as fever and febrile fits were too strong that any one would get panic.

The complaint got worse each time. The bend started getting evident. Now I told and even convinced them strongly my plan that this time only my medicine should work on him. Sever fever followed. A febrile fit occurred in between the fever. Four days continuous fever with mild fits. No change in bone anatomy. But the following month and the next one lacked febrile fits the third month the mom said he was showing some changes. After each month the change carried on and his back became straight perfectly. I shall post the last and latest finished photo along with the X ray later.

Temperature can change the shape of solids. I am not a scientist but the adaptation of this basic physics in to health care helped a child .All other excuses were simply another myth. Fever ie the rise in body temperature is for a good reason and is created by the body and not microbes. If yes then what is the role of antibiotics, anti inflammatory and antiviral drugs. We health workers need to build research units at the beneficiary level to study such realities. Those realities which might help mankind. We the health workers have taken oath to help mankind and hence once in while use our brains and not those old ones hired form textbooks.