This term is not uncommon especially related to older age. Now a days technology, science and all parameters and determinants of human knowledge, occupational and economic leap and well doing extravagant life has only a black mark- Osteoarthrosis.. No one can deny, run, hide, neglect or pretend having not experienced this enemy not surprisingly now a days at their early thirties. Above all this OA holds the reputation of being “the INCURABLE ”.

Is that so. Let us search…

One, two, three, four (a), (b), (c), five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten (a)

Osteoarthrosis with symptoms (Rubbing pain, weakness, oedema) is just like a synonym to osteoarthritis where the later has signs of inflammation( fever, local oedema, local temperature, and pain etc.)

No site really says what to do to prevent or stop progression or gives suggestion for an effective treatment. The sad part is that everyone one-sidedly announce inability or helplessness of HUMAN BEING in dealing Osteoarthrosis. World is unaware or has taken for granted that surgery is the only way out and aging is the only cause for OA and it is inevitable. Any other alternate treatment style in the world that would work for OA is frouned at. But there exist such a treatment which if started at right time or few years before reaching a stage of irreversibility where only replacement surgery would benefit you. Stopping anti diabetic drugs would be a complement for such style of treatment as glucose is the only energy provider for all mending processes in our body (Forgotten by medical science) .Not the pain but reason for the pain and not the oedema but the right use of the inflammation related oedema during acute inflammatory conditions is the key for treatment for osteoarthritis and through correct treatment for osteoarthritis occurs the slow mending and reversal of OSTEOARTHROSIS. No pain killers or anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics are solutions for OA. You should use the joints for any work that you are able to do but don’t ever try a job your joint can’t afford but only till you get well. Give it a try !!

Get out of your old Textbooks.

On earth does exist an answer for OA. You know not does’t mean that it doesn’t exist. But right time is always the key, and the right time is…NOW -FOH
