As FOH has already mentioned, the health situation of a patient at a given point of a progressing disease is not a collective of all the symptoms and signs prevailing at that time. We must remember that we are assessing health status of human being the homo sapiens, a species which has managed to thrive this long and should be having an unimaginable quality of health maintaining mechanism. These whole set of signs and symptoms may contain changes which represent cause of disease, symptoms representing bad progress of disease, signs which really are maintaining optimum health conditions while health is in trouble, adaptability, good prognosis and finally recovery.  

Increased appetite and thirst, increased frequency of urination, increased blood sugar concentration, numbness of limbs, aching muscles, retinopathy, renal failure, wasting of muscles, skin complaints, symptoms of cardiac arrest and stroke are all major symptoms and signs related to diabetes. Intelligent health experts can identify all these information and asses the current health status quiet simply.

For centuries as FOH mentioned earlier we in the name of diabetes are beating around a bush, not able to reach to the core. But FOH suggests that we are for centuries beating around a WRONG bush.

As mentioned already Glucose in the blood need not be reduced to an extend of hypoglycemia. Because this glucose is the power supply for any action or reaction in animals. The excess presence simply shows that some tissues is much in need of glucose. The necessary signs or signals of this crisis is already passed to the center. But the only way of supplying glucose is through blood. Hence as the demand of the site wanting the glucose supply the glucose level rise in the blood. And hence reducing the blood glucose in the name of diabetes is dangerous. Diabetes progress can be related to Starvation. You may read the steps of starvation and compare it with complication of diabetes. Both seems alike.

In type 11 diabetes you may notice in the beginning that an insulin resistance is developed. In this diabetes you know that the target tissues are different from that of type 1. Big striated muscles are not in the list. But still the glucose rise in blood. This is because of the excessive demand of glucose in tissues which ate not dependent on insulin such as skin, kidneys, eyes, extremities etc. We know now that this is because of narrowing of blood vessels. The body mechanism is so adaptable that the depth of the crisis is not shown out due to the increased blood sugar level otherwise the death would be very fast.

As the narrowing of blood vessels are too rapid body tries to increase the blood sugar concentration so that the minute blood supply may carry more glucose as per demand. But when the sugar supply is not adequate insulin resistance sets in. This assures that the glucose supply to insulin dependent organs may be checked. This is for helping the body not to collapse quickly, Muscles liver etc need much large amount of sugar but in the crisis if supply of glucose is not checked the vital organs may stop functioning and this may lead to death.

In type 1 and later stages of type 11 diabetes insulin therapy is suggested. No objection to that strategy, but reducing the blood sugar to normal range is dangerous. Because the sugar in the circulation may enter liver, and muscles and this absorption affects the blood sugar concentration and this creates shortage of glucose supply to vital organs (brain, eyes, kidneys and skin) which are not insulin dependent. As glucose is absorbed into muscles in the presence of injected insulin the shortage of glucose in blood ( though more than normal concentration) causes Hypoglycemia which may affect majorly the brain. Brain again  needs no insulin for absorbing glucose. It has its own carriers which transports glucose.

So FOH suggests that insulin therapy is great idea but checking the blood sugar without ingesting carbs and any medications that reduce blood glucose would be dangerous to brain, liver and kidneys( Non insulin dependent tissues)

Insulin therapy help absorption of blood glucose into those tissues dependent on it but hence weight loss due to tissue starvation is checked and tis could be noted by rising energy in patients. But now other tissues now run out of sugar as all the available glucose is now absorbed after insulin shot. Now ample amount of food preferably carbs should be eaten as the body parts like brain, liver, kidneys and skin and adipose tissues are dangerously in need of glucose. If not met quickly an acute hypoglycaemia sets in which might kill the individual. This crisis is managed by body creating (automatically) appetite. And if this is not met by eating carbohydrate would be deadly.
