Hello, I am happy that almost everyone had given the right answer to the previous question.

An insulin dependent diabetic person every fine morning needs GLUCOSE as he rise from bed. The finest dose of insulin may push his body in to a condition called Hypoglycemia and hence all options other than first is permissible which is absolutely FATAL.

Have you ever heard of insulin dependent patients carrying with them in their bags ‘an ampule of insulin for emergency’ where ever they go?  NO! they don’t, instead we know they carry something sweet to put in their mouth whenever hypoglycemia strikes. Interesting.

Please go through various sites to know more about insulin. Its properties, modus operandi and every possible thing.

If you read any essay on diabetes, may notice that the only life-threatening accident in the whole event is hypoglycemia, all the other complications come later on when disease progress and this term is related only and only with insulin therapy. I am absolutely aware that this is not a news for you and me, but why? Why does a person face hypoglycemia when a diabetic is literally a factory of sugar. Hypoglycemia is not a rare condition in non-diabetic too where body accidently finds shortage of glucose but in a diabetic person of twenty-first century it’s a product of ignorance. A health worker would blame a diabetic patient for his ignorance for not carrying with him at least a ‘chocolate’ which could be of use on such a critical situation which otherwise was forbidden for the unfortunate child inside him. I am not mentioning about the ignorance of the patient but of the medical community, the frog testers.

Epic story of insulin discovery (Please refer as many articles as possible)

Indeed, a remarkable leap for medical science. Few comments FOH likes to make.

1. How was the association of hyperglycemia with insulin established or found out?

2. How do those quiet normal dogs turn diabetic with in few days?

3. How was diabetes in these dogs explained?

4. What is the difference between both diabetes, one in diabetic persons and other the experimental diabetic dogs?

My job is just to make you people think. All those people who put food, education and health among list of valuables indisputably are fair enough to feel so but not as a commodity but a right. Right ofall human beings on earth. And all imitations in the name of health shall not be tolerated.

1.Diabetes in experimental dogs

Cause: Single cause, surgical removal of pancreas causing absence of insulin in body. (It creates a situation like an accident where body loose one of its organs and not a sequelae of any disease)

Complication: No long-term complications are notable. Major tissues and cells dependent on insulin for glucose absorption die quickly. Hence death happen very fast.

Reason for death-( Please search in internet) Could be the same as in Type 1 diabetic. But abrupt absence of insulin due to pancreas removal causes fast death in dogs. Real cause of death should be unavailability of GLUCOSE. Insulin’s vital role in glucose absorption is undisputable but cause of death is absolutely unavailability of glucose and not its hyper concentration. Even in the presence of glucose body is unable to use it. And the complications following removal of pancreas is not due to excess of glucose in blood.

2.Type 1 Diabetes

Cause: Both dog and type 1 diabetes look alike with large or total absence of insulin production. One due to surgical removal of pancreas and later due to autoimmune disease (It is the consequence of a disease or unknown cause) or it is a result of another health issue and not derived from a single step process like ‘pancreas removal’

Complication: Destruction of cells dependent on insulin for glucose transport. Wastage of skeletal muscles, liver and kidney tissues and leading to death more rapidly than type II diabetes.

3.Diabetes Type 11

Causes: Excessive carb intake and lack of physical exercise, genetic, Insulin resistance (A condition in body where blood glucose remains high when ample amount of insulin is available in circulating blood. This directly suggests us that there are strong unidentified underlying causes for diabetes) and insulin deficiency.

Complications: Please browse

Cause of death: The most common complications leading to death in type 2 diabetes patients are cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and strokes, primarily due to damage to blood vessels caused by chronic high blood sugar levels, which can also lead to complications like kidney failure, peripheral neuropathy and diabetic retinopathy (modern view)

  1. In all the three above situations blood glucose concentration is high.
  2. In first two cases insulin supply is nil and low. Initial insulin resistance is seen in the third type.
  3. First two demonstrates intense unavailability of glucose to target tissues.
  4. Third type is believed to be due to damage of vascular tissues caused by long standing high blood glucose concentration causing diminished blood supply to target tissues.
