Five probable observations and associated results of a single health fluctuation : Measles

  1. Normally completed course of an attack is recovery, an explicit demonstration of ideal health
  2. Recovery along with indulgence of human medical knowledge. Man does not know what he is doing yet indulges. Patient’s body fights virus surpassing the hindrances laid by human misperceptions to achieve recovery. (Yet another observation in a healthy subject)
  3. What can happen in immunocompromised individuals (both due to previous disease and medicine induced)
  4. Possible fate of disease in individuals with altered physiological and anatomical body conditions due to accidents, surgeries, sequels of old diseases, long term medications and addictions.( Could also happen if treatment for initial uneasiness and fever already starts before identifying underlying measles )
  5. In immunized cases

1.First point needs no elaboration hence moving on to the second situation we already have had some glimpse yet I think its necessary to elaborate a bit on it below.

2.a) Initial symptom of measles is the runny nose and cough that it sets in ten to twelve days after the virus settle on the surface of upper respiratory tract. Nasal discharge contain immune system generated chemicals, enzymes, WB Cells and mucous(Initial response of human immune system) and not a pinch of lethal substance is generated in these reactions. Runny nose drains along with it a good number of virus on mucous surface. Human practice of all generations irrespective of every civilizations were to arrest running nose and mucus without much of a clue for what probably he might be doing this. This act shoots up virus load which increase intensity of inflammatory reaction causing obstruction to lung ventilation. Severe deficiency of oxygen and trapped carbon dioxide gives pretty good condition for pneumococcus to stage in Pneumonia, the most common complication of measles and measles related deaths. Backup of a good health condition and extremely different life saving emergency protocol in measles victim complicated with pneumonia may be required to save the life at this stage (Now pneumonia needs a different protocol of treatment). What on earth in any name or emotion other than ignorance that we are interrupting mucus production.

b) Fever sets in after ten to thirteen days after arrival of measles virus. Fever is said to occur just after the virus spread all through the body. This doesn’t mean that body has not responded to viral attack( may be discussed later). But fever is a reaction which is a part of infection/inflammation and has got a great role in active1 immune mechanism which is misunderstood, underrated and unidentified since man’s origin. Arresting fever is another mistake. High temperature helps kill microbes and is necessary to achieve threshold temperature for many actively occurring cellular changes. Unless in cases where an individual has reached an unhealthy condition to such an extend that he needs to relay on life sustaining drugs and supplements on daily basis no fever is harmful. By arresting fever in a way we are inviting heavy penalty. In measles this act can delay and block many necessary steps involved in inflammatory reactions or even suppress them and abort rash. Fever is just one of many signs of inflammation and many health workers give medication to arrest fever and inflammation which might help us reduce uneasiness of conjunctivitis, tonsillitis and sinusitis but we may loose battle to measles.

c) Rash being the last stage of measles has great significance. Achieving this stage demonstrates fruitful and successful culmination of battle and any external indulgence inducing contrary result definitely is nothing but an unnatural ordeal and precursor of infinite consequences.(Absence of classical rash in such cases mislead us from identifying underlying infection and add up another syndrome to our medical dictionary, like auto immune diseases or)Many deaths after heavy respiratory infection which lacked rashes if screened probably could be a suppressed measles case and the others rarely die.

All interferences in 2a),b) and c) delays or aborts natural immune response of human body. Here all the practices mentioned is unhealthy and cause mild to severe damages and even death. Era of modern medicine has identified measles virus as cause of measles but even before this discovery this disease existed and had a bad reputation. This mere knowledge to mankind changed mans approach to measles. Adding to it the realization that antiviruses are useless in measles cases man retrieved form conventional treatment strategies which almost was doing no good to victims. This mere withdrawal from old treatment plan itself caused drastic drop in number of measles related causalities. The reason of this drop is much clear now.

3. Individuals in an immunocompromised state or under long time medication while contracting measles may produce unclassical symptoms leading health workers to a state of confusion. Diseases like AIDS or tuberculosis or functional deformity of organs or systems as sequels of chronic illnesses, connective tissue disorders( especially blood, lymph and lymphoid glands and tissues)lungs, tonsils, spleen, liver or skin may present many symptoms which may not look like classical measles case. Multitude of syndromes and and even death could be caused if any of the above members heavily fail to play their role in the battle towards retaining health. Large number of deaths during corona is a typical example to this point. Those with heavy unnatural medically aided daily life with an inflated imitations of good health perished in the first sweep of corona. The following waves had nothing much to do as the naturally unfit population had already gone and those who strictly kept social distance saved their lives. All the fit and healthy survived .

4. Cases which does not reach classical ‘rash’ stage due to human indulgence could cause lot of complications due to incomplete natural body response (Remains unidentified and unrecognized as measles due to absence of rash) Possibilities of innumerous unrecognized health problems following measles (both identified treated and unidentified treated measles cases)is not a myth. I believe there are a lot of people who still have not achieved their previous health after recovery from resent corona and old chikungunya infection after unnecessary human interference. Example of Herpes zoster might guide to convince us the above statement and its gravity in health sector if scrutinized pretty well and this hazard absolutely is not restricted to these three infections but to all communicable diseases. Complications like meningitis, pneumonia, orchitis, lymphadenitis, urinary infections ,renal complications, acid peptic diseases, cerebro vascular accidents and many more associated with lot of communicable diseases and many early treated acute illness and infections occur just because of human medical indulgence.

5. Immunization works on a hope that human beings can sensitize their body way in advance to an expected pathogen in future. Immunization is a process for achieving this goal by giving the body certain portions unique to a specific pathogen to elicit in him antibodies to fight it and hopes that the cells associated in this process would hold this memory there after. This is in fact a novel and noble idea if it works. And the efficacy may be evaluated by finding correct needy population. Even now at least few among readers of FOH-2 understand that measles is not a disease but an act of resistance and in itself a demonstration of healthy body but still believe it is a burden , waste of time and a preventable hazard. Vaccination in itself is not a complete science. To become science a procedure or phenomena needs to satisfy a lot of parameters. Vaccinations fail to address a lot of aspects. Several inferences are incomplete and biased. Only a few observations are monitored and several others unethically unnoticed or avoided due to prejudice, bias, and ignorance in scientific procedures and reasoning. A complete scientific study on vaccine should give in numbers following information. If the number of persons immunized in a year in a specific area is available.

i) How many could resist infection by not contracting it at all without vaccination( Perfectly healthy)

ii) How many could resist infection (or death, if humans consider the disease is fatal) after contracting it without vaccination ( Healthy)

iii) How many could resist complications through vaccination but after contracting infection.

iv) How many could resist infection through only vaccination without contracting infection ( This number gives the efficacy of vaccine)

v) How many cases of measles vaccine complication related cases occurred current year(sooner or after vaccination)

vi) How many immunocompromised persons died of measles in both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

‘Working well on majority’ factor supported by probability theory does not make something science and efficacy of vaccine is not our question. Question ‘Q’ is Among Mr. A, Mr. B and Mr. C during 1700 AD why one of them died, the other survived and the third was left untouched by the same measles epidemic ?. As already mentioned, its not the statistics, probability or percentage which precisely plays around with numbers; the fact and knowledge that helps us improve our health is but the answer to the question ‘Q’ and only this. All others are misguiding distractions that keep us away from the path of quest to real knowledge of health. If at least a single person can fight and get out unaffected after being infected by measles or covid, every one can do the same. But the thing they differ in is the quality of health. A good study on health can make things better. Hence redefining health is an Urgency or else the downfall of health status would keep accelerating and we better realize now that the downfall has already begun right from the day man started thinking of health.

Now we understand that all of us especially small kids are prone to catch measles but only a small number of unhealthy patients would after contracting measles suffer complications. Those healthy people who interfere with natural flow of measles face mild and those who are too much unhealthy to withstand infection usually do not precipitate fever or rash and face much large and heavy complications(mostly remains well named but unrecognized) and among them the immunocompromised perish. Weak population perished and others left after infection attained lifelong immunity. In a wide spread epidemic after which almost all weak people unfortunately die. Others get immunity. A community where every one are immune takes many generations to see next epidemic attack (or never, sporadic presence may be seen), This is called heard immunity and the benefit of this immunity is enjoyed by the ivth observation where all immune cases goes to the credit of vaccination. If the intruder was too virulent enough to kill every one, the microorganism hits extinction along with the victim species. If a lot of victims recover, they get immunity and the same time infectant may coexist through mild and sporadic attacks within the population almost for ever more or less pretty harmless.

At this point if we turn back and evaluate measles and corona we get a similar pattern. At the initial arrivals of both, many who were too weak perished. Such a large number of them died. In the following waves number of deaths decreased and finally deaths dropped drastically for want of unhealthy people and we now are living with covid. Measles has a similar story we are living with measles which once killed many especially children is now better managed by human body much better( Recall all the epidemics and you get the same story) Especially elders are very much immune to virus except those who are immunocompromised.

Vaccination reciprocate1 the primary reaction of infection like a mock drill of measles or corona or any other respective disease after inoculation. This must produce in human being an antibody which essentially should prevent future infections. But the untimely presence of antibody might cause sever atrocities. Corona was just a simple respiratory infection like influenza which could not even produce any symptoms in large number of children. But those people who had mild to severe systemic disorders died. Major number of deaths occurred due to respiratory infection and short of breath. Hence untimely presence and production of antibodies due to vaccinations could cause more causalities. Children already has innate and clear immunity system enough to resist covid (viral) attack but presence of vaccination induced antibodies prior to infection bypasses a lot of steps involved in natural immune response which might cause early inflammatory responses at the point of entry of virus, the lung epithelium. Along with illogical treatment strategies of treatment could cause innumerable setbacks. And the risk of commencement of inflammatory reaction on lung surfaces would push patients to more danger and demonstrate unnatural responses. This might put an end to discussions about delayed response of cell mediated immune system in case of measles which is called as the Immune Amnesia Measles .Scientists believe that measles virus settling on lung surface when engulfed by macrophages hijack measles it and measles virus delays immune mechanism by their amnesia mechanism and extend incubation period and immune response. But the real fact FOH identified is that the delay is induced by our body just to shift the whole intruders from the lung alveoli surface and transport them to the safest zone so that the following highly inflammable chain reaction would not destroy any vital organs especially the lungs, GIT , kidneys and the brain. Now you may be clear why cutting short and interfering the natural process of infections on any reason emotional social or ignorance have to pay a lot.

Elderly people whose body cannot in totality withstand even small infections, where it demands complete support of each and every organ and tissue during infection but a lot of systemic health problems prevent this and here the mock drill of vaccination push body in to unnecessary troubles accumulating unwanted and unnatural chemical end products. And many organic and inorganic(chemicals of medicines for chronic diseases) hazardous chemicals in body, many unwanted accumulations like uric acid, calcification of tissues and erosions, pre running disorganized and confusing reactions in unhealthy people immunizations might be life threatening.

May it be covid or measles or any infection, irrespective of any site of entry of immigrants the whole body responds. May be initial reactions look like local damage each unit in body plays its role, every organ is involved in withstanding microbial attack and health or physical issues of any of the single units alters the immune responds and according to the morbidity immigrant infection can cause complications, even death. Untimely presence of antibodies may elicit untimely inflammatory reactions at various stages of infestation and together with unsafe philosophy of permeative practices of tackling infections, especially the mild initial stage symptoms of upper respiratory tract in children and elderly can and is causing serious health hazards. Blockage of windpipes due to mucous is one of the hazards of such kind which induce deficient ventilation and carbon dioxide trapping inviting pneumococci and the body now is dealing with four enemies.

Each time the mind blowing complicated synchronized perfectly orchestrated magic of nature when reviles its live demonstration of such disease management skills, all the health enthusiasts if able to appreciate this phenomenon would get goosebumps. Again when I think about this nature’s orchestration I would wounder how and why in a given second millions of these reactions and functions occurs in such harmonious way. No wounder if someone believes in extra universal power as no one ever has or can explain health. Health is just a quality, an experience which has no physical presence but can only be experienced during disharmony within the system and the mechanism within the system which mends this disharmony is also a quality of health which is for centuries underestimated.

Now as we know that any attempt directed towards treatment of measles is an interreference in to the course of natural immune mechanism of a healthy body, and fighting against your on body assures you complications…. even death2.

Any Questions… FOH-2


  1. A best and just vaccine shot would reciprocate the symptoms of infection(MMR) it represents . But again those symptoms are misunderstood to be the side effects of vaccine and this misconception is a proof of lack of basic knowledge about immune system and its mechanism. The practice of arresting fever following vaccination is as much of a mistake as former. And any vaccine of eruptive fever which cannot produce fever or rash could be dangerous 1 than allowing a simple self limiting uninterrupted infection to run its course ↩︎
  2. Please browse the treatment strategies prevailed all through history of mankind for measles. You may not find a trace of such information on internet as the possibility of interrogation towards such an angle has not ever passed through the thoughts of any student whose syllabus gives him no provision for using his intellect but mugging up ↩︎