Humans being the most intelligent creature on the surface of earth are but not definitely the strongest. A man put in the middle of a forest right now may not survive too long as he has no much physical or special qualities like other animals to defend the laws of the woods. Through centuries of hardship in the wild he had developed a lot of life skills. His physical weaknesses caused him to get together with his fellow men. Males unlike in other species started settling together in groups with women without fighting for females setting aside the basic instincts and laws of forest on common grounds of understanding to form communities .Initially started as means for protecting his own life now began gathering food and sharing it .Gradually then founded cultivation, civilization and so on… These stories are now not unknown to anyone.

Unity always was and is his strength. Even after acquiring  this basic and ultimate knowledge man chose to remain divided in the name of greed, pride, ego, passion, nation, languages, races, skills and ( innumerable factors) culture. Thus entering the higher levels of civilization .With time he gradually lost lots of his personal life skills. Life skills changed to social skills. Skills were then monetized and monetization has become the sole skill.

Gradually natural instincts were over powered by his brain through thoughts, dreams, imagination, logic, ethics, questions, reasoning, ideas, ideologies, hypothesis, theories, philosophy and ultimately science. Once he was forced to form in to groups to stay alive but now he thinks he is self sufficient and so self contained that he is trying to get away from the society, alone and free.

Eventually man started explaining everything. Every single thing in front of him. Ideas poured out of his head. Ideas clashed, Different ideas… Different ideas for single phenomenon. One single phenomenon explained by different ideas and CONCEPTS. Concepts invited debates and fights. Verbal, emotional, rational, intellectual, cold and even hot wars.

My area of concern and interest is HEALTH. And Health as we all know is one of the various phenomena which man had tried to explain over centuries. Many concepts were put forth by various men singly and in groups and tried to contain this phenomenon within few words. Ultimately modern man has tied this horse to the stable of Health science where it is kept untouched by any other unscientific misleaders and rational thinkers.

But many unanswered questions regarding Health is still haunting mankind. Welcome to a new stream of alternate thinking using all observations of mankind over years and analyzing the health related mishaps and fortunes in the history to discover a new concept on health.

Editor FOH-2
