Monthly Archives

May 2024



Every cell (type)of each organism remains alert all through its life, always keep transforming and updating its functions and character to keep themselves alive. These changes and information may( probably) be passed across generations. All the individuals or species who…

Philosophy of Health

foh-2’s Measles

“120 to 250 nm diameter measles virus (MV) plenty in number settles on the nasal mucosa of a human child through droplets sprayed by an infected person’s sneeze. Measles virus with the only host available on earth(possibly) the humans perhaps…



Let’s learn something from Measles Measles is a common disease which needs no introduction. It’s a disease caused by measles virus(MV). Symptoms Measles signs and symptoms appear around 10 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. Signs and symptoms of…

Editors Pick, Insight

More Clues

Three years back, Corona after taking a round all through the world took a lot of lives. Many were infected out of which many of them lost life. All of us evaluated the misfortune. people from all walks of life…


Myth v/s Reality

Diabetes is a deficiency disease Unlike what we all think diabetes is a deficiency disease. Deficient supply of glucose to target organs and organ systems is the trigger factor forcing body to sustain high glucose level in blood stream. All…
